please help 2

Well the last couple of weeks I have been interested in saving the earth and saving kids under the age of ten. So tho do ie first thing I am going to talk about is child labor most of you already know what it is but I will tell you anyway it is when adults force a child into doing things they do not want to do. No I am not talking about parents making you eat your vegetables I am talking about leaning over for 24 hours that’s all day. Donate to UNICEF the best place to help thank you bye!!!

earthquake and tsunamis

Today there was a big earthquake it lasted about two to three minutes I wanted to say my family and I are fine.


please help

please help starving kids everywhere. It only costs $0.25 for one child to get a meal. If you could send somthing that you don’t need to a charity kids all around you would be very greatful.

the election

i’m watching the election sick whith a fever and Barack Obama is the president again !!! I am very happy!!!

I am sick!

I was supposed to go to Disneyland today but I am too sick!

My stomach hurts, I have a fever, and the worst is my throat.

I am really bummed out.


if you go to tis please chat on gmail

Tokyo international school

tis is a great great great school and if you are looking for a school  you should go to this one!


aadi is my best friend and  he would do thing if i asked him to


for halloween im going to be a ninja and my sister is going to be a vanpire but actully it looks like a witch.


American football

One of my clubs is american football and I fell down against a fence and it was all bloody and bruised and is a picture.